I know, I know...I didn't blog yesterday! I didn't get up quite as early yesterday as I usually do because I didn't sleep as well as I normally would but today...I'm bleary eyed but I got up at 4:30, just for you all so I could blog this morning! Yes, my darling friends and leaders, I'm a little loopy but prepared to update you on the happenings so far at Leadership Institute!
We arrived Wednesday night and went straight over to COR to sign in and for the nickle tour. Big place! Their Narthex is the size of some church's entire building footprint. (As an aside note-back east, Narthex is the same as Vestibule which in plain English is THE ENTRYWAY. Do you know it took me 5 years to figure out what church folk were referring to (Narthex) when I first moved out to the mid-west???) Did I mention that it's a big place? After the tour we wandered around a bit and looked at the fabulous displays and all of the books and then went to dinner. Then it was time to get settled in at the hotel until Thursday morning.
General Session one started off with music and some great conversation by COR's very own Adan Hamilton (yeah he really is a normal guy just like the rest of us!) At the very end, Adam invited Kirk Byron Jones (author of Addicted to Hurry) up to speak. Oh my word! Awesome Awesome AWESOME speaker!
After the first general session was workshop time, followed by lunch, another workshop and another General Session. My workshops were great, lunch was good-Mother Nature although a bit windy did cooperate with sunshine and mild temps. Adam was spot on during General Session 2 and he demonstrated just how much of a techno geek he has been over the years by showing us all his Mac collection (yeah, yeah , I know someday it will all be in a museum...) you betcha, yeah. After all that excitement it was dinner again followed by a fabulous and lovely anointing service.
Oh and by the way, I met Shane Raynor (Ministry Matters) the other day as well since his team is at the conference as well. I have been on the look out for Alan Bevere but haven't spotted him yet. It was fun to meet a fellow blogger and Shane is a delight "live and in person"!
So here we are at today. Desperately in need of coffee! Must pack my stuff up. Bill Hybels from Willow Creeks will be speaking this morning. Followed by a wrap up session and a Q and A session. I'll be honest, it has been fantastic but right now my brain is on information overload! It will take me a few days to really kind of process everything that has been discussed here and then really clearly think about ways that I can use the info back home at our home church. I have pictures, I'm not up to messing with trying to load them up just yet! I am sure my future posts will be far more delightful and detailed...did I mention I really REALLY need coffee?
If you are at the conference and you happen to spot the vertically challenged me with my great big ole "Trudy Graves" name tag on, come up and say hello! If you did not come to the conference-I would recommend that you make the effort to come next year because, yeah, it IS worth it!
And now, I really must go find some coffee! :-)
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